If you have any photos or documents from Bourke High School & would like to see them added to this collection please get in touch with the school and leave your contact details. All items are handled with extreme care and promptly returned. Thank you.
Image: Photo shows 1948 Bourke Intermediate High School Classes 6A & 5A. Back row left to right: Hugh Hudson, Tony Bourke, Gerald Morgan, Cecil Lyons, Don Riley, William Carpenter, Mervyn Moore, John Hull, Ron Gaffney, unknown, Don Williams. Third row: Bernie Reed, Bill Brown, Ivan Blacker, ? Girdler, Bob Martin, Max Peters, Glen Collins, Trev Randall, Bob Riley. Second row: Sue Burns, Francis Turnbull, Joy Martin, Irene Morris, Pam Sommerville (Potter), Mona Payton, Ann Peters, Elizabeth Swan, Shirley Neal (Bannerman), Joan Vernon. Front: Dixie Lee, Iris Lyons, Heather Hobson (Mieni), Dawn Farnham, Kathy King (Dawson), Jill Webb, Joyce Davis, Robyn McLeod.
Image: Photo shows 1948 Bourke Intermediate High School Classes 4B & 5B. Back row left to right: Tony Jones, Carl Furner, Dal Carmichael, Ricky Reed, Arthur Clifford, Bill Brown, Peter Moore, Jack Rice, Rob Rumble. Second row: Ilva Tidmarsh, John Riley, unknown, Whit Egan, Nev Kilpatrick, Daryl Dunstan, Tom Gaunson, Lionel Neal, Julie Maxwell. Third row: Pat Meehan, unknown, Margaret Manning, unknown, Margaret Jones (Harland), Antonia ?, Cecily Payton (Neal), Betty Green, Beris McClure, Helen Vernon. Fourth row: Dawn Endacott, Bev Rice (Hewish), unknown, Joan Rice, unknown, Kath Carmichael (Brown), Pam Good (Dickson), Nancy Thorne (Rumble), Judy Maxwell (Richardson).
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