Welcome to the BHS P&C Association.
The BHS (P&C) is a small but committed group of parents which provides a forum for parent discussion, fundraising activities, social and educational occasions for parents, carers, educators and also to provide support for other school interest groups.
We take pride in being connected and interested in our children's education. We care about the educational outcomes and believe that BHS is a positive resource to assist our children to reach their full potential. We view the small class sizes an advantage and provide an opportunity for an accelerated individualized learning environment.
Membership of the P&C is open to all parents, carers, guardians of students at the school and members/citizens of the wider Bourke community.
Members pay a membership fee, currently $2.20 per annum, payable at the Annual General Meeting held in the first term.
P&C Meeting Dates
The P&C meets every fourth Thursday of the month in the School Library 5.30pm. The meetings are informational, generally, run to time and rarely extend past 7pm.
Principal Andrew Ryder regularly attends our meetings, present reports and update the meeting on developments in various areas around the school. This gives parents the opportunity to ask questions relating to these matters and to hear firsthand about issues concerning our children.
Open invitations are extended to every interested person, to the BHS SRC, School Welfare Officer, Community Engagement Officer and other facilities to present reports and bring issues to the P& C ‘s attention.
P& C Federation
The BHS P&C is affiliated with the Parents and Citizens Federation, representing parents of government school students in NSW. We work closely with the Department of Education and Communities and other educational stakeholder groups.
You can find out more by visiting their website: http://pandc.org.au
The BHS P&C are committed to a free public education system which is open to all people irrespective of culture, gender, academic ability and socio-economic class.
We believe that students should be empowered to be contributing members of society.
We are committed to parents and carers and citizens being partners in the education process.
We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting !!